Sunday, June 15, 2014

h a p p y

1. be nice to the people you don't like for good faith to go towards your loved ones, kind of like karma I guess. 
2. listen to your mama she can spot the bad when you're blinded by love/lust. 
3. eat foods from the earth and stay active. even if it's twice a week. you're doing something at least
4. down to your last dollar? give it to someone in need.
5. keep your faith alive and personal, don't shove your beliefs and opinions down other peoples throats
6. don't say yes if you don't mean it, make yourself happy first 
7. when in doubt write it out
8. love yourself, you can't love another person fully if you can't even be kind to yourself
9. take care of your skin, hair, and nails. take your vitamins and get/make your treatments. 
10. say hi to strangers. look up and smile. 
11. apply to jobs/schools you fear, you never know
12. the word 'friend' should be given sparingly. be careful. 
13. travel alone and eat alone, you usually meet great company. but your own company should always be your favorite. 
14. know you are never alone, when you love yourself, you will know this is true 
15. be on time 
16. always give back, and pay it forward 
17. don't do anything for recognition 
18. you only have one body, be nice to it! don't sham yourself. encourage it, it's keeping you alive! 
19. read. a lot more. 
20. be careful with what news outlets you trust 
21. always friend the locals, they know more than anyone. they are the people. 
22. listen. give your undivided attention. put your phone down. 
23. be the person you want to meet
24. say 'thank you' to a compliment. that's beautiful and humble, not "omg no way I'm blah blah." stop!
25. be silly
26. feed the stray animals when you can 
27. stay connected to your loved ones, keep your foot in their worlds too.
28. be around people who want to talk to you about theories and controversies of science and the world, not gossip about others. 
29. sleep 
30. live like a nomad for a year, sleep on floors if you have to. the heavenly views and sunsets make it worth it.
31. volunteer because you care, not to make yourself look better 
32. global issues are OUR problems, not their problems 
33. pray/meditate, or something...theist or atheist, there is always something you can do to free your mind and soul. if you don't believe in the soul do a logic puzzle then lol those are fun help you unwind. 
34. leave the patriotic and self-entitled attitude at home before you travel. 
35. they don't speak english, it's never their fault. it's yours for not learning the local language before your travels. 
36. don't believe social media, people make themselves seem like prophets on there. image crafting can be dangerous 
37. love. no matter how hurt you are love anyways. 
38. the greatest battle is to battle your own soul, to fight, the evil within yourself 
39. do not find the fault in others, if you find the fault in them, god may take their faults way and give them to you. 
40. routine may perhaps be lethal, but it is still necessary. have a positive and enjoyable one wherever you end up 
41. you grow outside your comfort zone
42. eat on the floor
43. don't be around energies that influence you negatively. if they make you feel bad, stay away. it's lethal. 
44. whole heartedly believe in good faith because it exists
45. smile, you may have made/saved someone's day 
46. it will never ever be cool to be mean 
47. if you don't communicate thoroughly and kindly, it will never be resolved 
48. always wonder and wander
49. Anything said before the "but" is bs. I love you but...hahaha (my professor taught me this)
50. feed your soul, not the ego 
51. close your eyes, fall in love, and stay there. be foolishly in love, because there is nothing else greater than love 
52. good attracts good, what you see around in the world is a reflection of who you are. any ounce of hate in your heart is poison. get rid of that toxic it has no place to be in your beautiful heart. 
53. don't compare journeys or paths, rather support and send love that we all make it 

Just a list I compiled. There are many more you guys should add to it. The way I try to live especially as a nomad lol. Traveling doesn't change you. It just heightens your strengths and weaknesses. I'm still indecisive and naive melody. I still have a bad sense of direction and my blonde moments are heightened to the max. However, I do know more than ever that I should love everyone, trust a few, and learn from all. Everyone is bound to teach and influence us in some shape or form, it's up to our character to form the outcome of it. Be the person you crave to be, and do the beautiful things your heart desires. When you learn to become friends with your heart incredible experiences and miracles come your way. Don't forget to always spread that love!

"Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love." -Maria Rilke 

all of my love,


do what you can